After revisiting my post I realized it was pretty much wrong and completely useless. So, I set about to rewrite it with the help of a few folks on the forums.
Mandatory = $true
Mandatory = $true
Mandatory = $true
# Configure function variables
$timestamp = (Get-Date -Format yyyyMMddHHmmss)
# Clear variables to prevent reuse
$appSettings = $node = $xml = $null
# Output status to host
Write-Output "Loading file contents."
# Load content of web.config
$xml = [xml](get-content($webconfigpath))
# Backup web.config
if(-not(Test-Path "$webconfigpath.$timestamp"))
# Output status to host
Write-Output "Creating backup."
# Save file
# If appSettings element does not exist
if($xml.SelectSingleNode(//configuration/appSettings) -eq $null)
# Output status to host
Write-Output The appSettings node does not exist. Adding it now.
# if child nodes do not exist create it
$appSettings = $xml.CreateElement("appSettings")
# Output status to host
Write-Output "The appSetting ($($key)/$($value)) does not exist. Adding it now."
# add new element called add to //configuration/appSettings
$node = $xml.CreateNode(element,add,)
# Set attributes for new appSetting
# Add $node to //configruation/appsetting element
[Void] $appSettings.AppendChild($node)
# Add $appSetting node to //configuration element
[Void] $xml.configuration.AppendChild($appSettings)
# Output status to host
Write-Output "Saving changes."
# Save changes to file
# Output status to host
Write-Output "The //configuration/appSettings element exists. Checking for children nodes."
# Gather //configuration/appSettings data
$appSettings = $xml.configuration[appSettings]
# Test to see if element has child nodes
# Output status to host
Write-Output "The appSettings elements has children. Checking arguments against existing values."
# Test to see if key exists.
if($appSetting = ($appSettings.ChildNodes | Where {$_.key -eq $key}))
# Output status to host
Write-Output "The element ($($key)) exists. Comparing values."
# Test to see if value matches
if($appSetting.value -eq $value)
# Value matches. Output status to host.
Write-Output "The key/value arguments are already set correctly."
# Value does not match. Attempt to update and output status to host.
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